Business Voice

Virtual Fax

Send and receive faxes from anywhere.

Simply use your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Get Virtual Fax

Virtual fax is the perfect add-on to your Cloud Calling

Virtual fax makes it easy and more convenient than ever before with increased mobility. Send and receive faxes over the Internet from your office, home or on the road. Instead of having to own and hover around your fax machine all day waiting for an important document to arrive, you can receive or send faxes wherever you have an Internet connection. Receive your own fax number, one recipient email account and up to five sender email accounts.

Make your life that much more efficient

Send a virtual Fax in 3 easy steps


Login to your account.

Write your message

Attach up to 10 documents, then click Send.


The recipient gets it as they would a normal fax.

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